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Issue Images
The most satisfying part of doing any house project is enjoying the "Before & After" of what you accomplished. In Minicastle, now you can easily capture this moment with Issue Images!

Once you
create an Issue
, you have the ability to capture and describe all sorts of information like status, priority, time spent, and more. In the new Images
section, you can upload as many images as you'd like from your phone, computer, or third-party tools like Dropbox and Google Drive. Just select the images you want to save, select whether they're 'Before', 'Progress, or 'After'
photos, and provide an optional description if you'd like.
Once you save, you'll have a sweet little photo gallery of your project ready to share and serve as a reference for collaborators, co-owners, or even your future self 😎.
The time has come to vanquish Minicastle's most requested feature:
you can now create recurring issues
! Recurring issues are a great way to handle routine work, checks, and cleaning that you'd like to perform as consistently as possible.
Minicastle's recurring issues are meant to be as lightweight and easy-to-use as possible. Once you create any issue, you can convert it into a recurring task:
- Just toggle on the "Recurring" settings
- Select your preferred frequency(fully flexible Weekly, Monthly, or Annual occurrences)
- Mark the "official" start dateof your series
- Set your preference for how future occurrences will be created
There are two options for automatically creating future occurrences:
- Based on Original Start Date: this helps you stay on a consistent schedule by creating new issues based on when youshouldcomplete them.
- Based on Completion of the Previous Issue: this helps you feel a little more relaxed androll with the punchesby creating new issues in the series whenever you get around to completing the last one.
Once you complete a recurring issue, you'll see the next instance automatically appear in your Issues list. But you can also stop recurrences at any time! Just delete the recurring series to cancel. (You'll lose the history associated with the recurring issues, but you'll never delete the issues themselves.)

Recurring Issues will give you even more consistency and control over your home. Let me know how it works for you! Email me at with any comments, questions, feedback or more.
Not all house Issues are equally bad. Now you can separate your most "Urgent!" issues from problems that can wait til you've finished your coffee... Pick from any of the following choices:
- Urgent
- Necessary but not urgent
- Nice-to-have
- No priority

Pro tip:
To change your Issue's Priority, Status, or Type, you can now make changes directly from your Issues or Projects lists, or click into the Issue with our new Full Page Issues (see post)!Now you can
enjoy much more space to work with and think about your Issues
. From the Issues list, just click on any Issue, and you'll be brought to a full page view of that Issue. Making changes and adding details should feel much more comfortable now. And never worry about forgetting to press "Save" again - we'll save your changes as you go
.Besides making Issues a little easier to use, this upgrade also gives us way more room to add more features to Issues -
stay tuned
Add Issues from the Areas View
Previously, to add issues for a given area, you had to open a dropdown menu. Now, there's a big button:

No good house project happens overnight, so we're here to help you better capture your "In Progress" work. Now, whenever you create or update an issue in Minicastle, you can display the following stages:
- To Do: your backlog of tasks, ideas, plans, and goals
- In Progress
- Done(Woohoo!!)
- Shelved: just take a break or put it on the back-burner, and come back when the time is right
We've also added new sorting options to handle statuses, and all data exports will include your status too. Need more status options? Share your thoughts on our Feedback page, or email

Many of you have mentioned that you'd like to use Minicastle to better manage paints, tools, equipment, and more. Now you can! New updates to the Inventory tool include:
- Track items based on where/how you use them (Example: Which paint did I use in a particular room? Where is it actually being stored in case I need to do touch-ups?)
- Attach photos so you know what you're looking for
- Include more detail for model/serial numbers, purchase dates, brands, etc.
- Track quantities, units, and costs
- Attach links to save receipts, manuals, how-to videos, and more
Better Projects

Projects help you easily organize issues and enjoy your progress as you complete them. Now you can also:
- See the total time and $$you've invested into any given project
- See an at-a-glance view of the issue count and overall status
- Add new or existing issues directly to the project